Monday, July 9, 2007

So you want to learn 5 languages?

It's easier than you think. The first thing to do is to erase the message in your brain that isn't possible. Of course, trying to get the "learning curve" going is somewhat difficult, but not impossible. Remember what I said, learn little chunks of information every day and one day you will be able to have a basic conversation in five different languages.

I carry 3 x 5 cards with me all the time. One or two sentences at the time. I read them while I wait for the traffic to clear, when someone puts me on hold or any other situation where I have to wait. Don't get aggravated, learn something useful and fun.

So here is the first installment. I this time I can't give you the pronunciation, but this will come soon I hope.

English: My name is...
French: Je m'appelle
Italian: Mi chiamo
Portuguese: Meu nome é
Spanish: Mi nombre es/Me llamo

Next time you hear these words, they will make sense to you.

Have a great day.

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